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About us

We are the Community.

This group exists because people in the Mitchell River catchment have put their energy and resources into it.

The group is guided by a Committee of Management and follows constituted rules. Annual elections of officers ensure that the group is always responsive to the needs of people in the catchment.

Management Committee: 2024-25

  • Chair: Fiona Barron
  • Director: Trevor Meldrum
  • Treasurer: Karen Pedersen
  • Secretary: John Brisbin



We invite anyone living in the catchment, or closely related to it, to become a member.

The membership fee is AUD$11.00 per year for individuals or incorporated entities.

Use the Online Payment (PayPal) below or

Direct deposit

  • Account Name: Mitchell River Watershed Management
  • BSB: 633-000
  • Account Number: 146471115

New members

Please [ Download the application form ] and return it to

You can also post the form with your subscription fee or bring it to the next meeting. 

Membership is payable by cheque, direct deposit, postal order or in person by cash at our Mareeba office or at any meeting.

Major Supporters and collaborators

Over the years we have enjoyed excellent funding and collaborating partnerships with many organisations. Of special note:

Kowanyama Aboriginal Land & Natural Resource Management Office

Where it all started: the folks behind the KALNRMO also set the wheels in motion for the formation of our group.…

Cape York Weeds & Feral Animals

A community-run non-profit group with terrific expertise in weeds and feral animal control. We always look forward to running projects with CYWAFA.

Cape York NRM

Our supportive Regional NRM body in the northern reaches of the catchment.

Gulf Savannah NRM

Community-led Regional NRM body that includes the southern reaches of the catchment.

Mareeba Shire Council, Cook Shire Council, and Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council

We 're very pleased to work closely with MSC and Cook Shire on issues that affect teh quality of our natural heritage in the region.  |   |

Queensland Water and Land Carers (QWaLC)

These wonderful folk represent, advocate, and network all of Queensland's community landcare groups as well as many other local groups with similar values. They also administer the excellent insurance scheme that keeps all our volunteers covered.


The Cairns and Far North Environment Centre is the peak regional non-government environmental organisation for Far North Queensland. They are the leading advocates for their members who champion environmental conservation, sane development, sustainable farming, and eco-stewardship, amongst many other issues.

Queensland Government

Australian Government




Special projects

Abattoir Swamp     Sentinel network