Farewell to Ian Adcock
28 March, 2023.
Today FNQ farewelled a champion of the environment and local community, our dear Ian Adcock.
Ian’s more than 40 yrs of dedication and passion as an active advocate for a sustainable community and environment were an example for all.
Ian was involved in the early days of the Mitchell River Group, more than 30 years ago, and was the organisation's longest serving Chair.
Until very recently Ian could be counted on, dependable as clockwork, to attend our meetings and contribute his invaluable perspective and knowledge.

He served two terms as a Cook Shire Councilor and, together with John Giese, managed to secure over $3M for a major weeds and feral animal control program for the Cape. After he left Council, in his usual proactive manner, he helped establish the not-for-profit Indigenous-led Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Project (now Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Inc). Ian served as the organisation's first Secretary.
His energy and experience saw him being instrumental in the formation of the Queensland Water and Land Carers (QWaLC) which supports all of the state's landcare groups.
Ian was also instrumental in the studies that helped establish the Northern Gulf Resource Management Group (now Gulf Savannah NRM) and Cape York NRM.
Ian was twice elected as a Director on the Northern Gulf Board, and was one of three Directors who banded together and managed to save the organisation from collapse in 2014-16. Despite the difficult politics and fashions of the day, he was always committed to helping producers manage their country properly so that the Gulf country could continue to provide good livelihoods into the future.
Ian was a fierce supporter of the local community and events that form part of the lifeblood of rural areas. For example, amongst his many passions, he was a key figure in the Laura Rodeo and Campdraft Association, and was always there to lend a hand or give some advice as the occasion demanded.
Ian gave so much to and for community, from his time as a Korean war veteran, and through all his other roles.
We will all miss this stalwart of the northern landscape- Ian, thank you for all your work, now for a well earned rest. RIP old mate.
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